[法會通啟] 1/28/2024 年末謝神法會

[Announcement of Dharma Assembly] 1/28/2024 Year-End Gratitude to the Deities Dharma Assembly

The temple will hold the Year-End Gratitude  to the Deities Dharma Assembly on Sunday, January 28th, the 18th day of the 12th month of the lunar Gui-Mao (癸卯) year.

We respectfully invite virtuous believers from all directions to join in this grand ceremony to express gratitude to the divine grace.

The Dharma assembly will commence at 10 AM, with the recitation of the "Universal Gate Chapter on Guanyin Bodhisattva ", the "Sutra of the Heavenly Queen Mother", and a grand offering to the Buddha. A vegetarian lunch will be provided at noon. All virtuous followers and honored guests are cordially invited to join this auspicious occasion.

本廟將於1月28日星期日,天運歲次癸卯年臘月十八日啟建年末謝神法會。敬邀 十方善信大德共襄盛舉,答謝神恩。

法會於早上10時開始,恭誦 觀音菩薩普門品、天上聖母經及佛前大供。中午提供素齋,歡迎十方善信一同共修參與。



