Registration for the Guāngmíng Dēng (光明燈) and appease the Tai Sui (安太歲) for the 2024 Jiǎ-chén year is now open!
11/1 and onwards you can register for the 2024 Guāngmíng Dēng (光明燈) and Tai Sui Dēng (太歲燈)!
Guāngmíng Dēng (光明燈): Maximum two names and two wishes
Tai Sui Dēng (太歲燈): Dragon, Dog, Ox, Sheep (The zodiac signs offending Tai Sui next year)
For those mailing a check, please go to the "Public Services" page on our temple's official website to download the Guāngmíng Dēng (光明燈) form. Mail the form along with a donation check to MA-TSU TEMPLE OF USA, 30 Beckett Street. San Francisco, CA 94133-5002
Tel: (415) 986-8818. Please make the check payable to MA-TSU TEMPLE OF USA and note "Guāngmíng Dēng (光明燈)".
郵寄支票辦理者,請至本廟官網 "信眾服務 "頁面下載點光明燈表格 ,連同功德金支票一併寄回本廟 30 Beckett Street. San Francisco, CA 94133-5002
Tel: (415) 986-8818 。 支票抬頭請寫MA TSU TEMPLE OF USA 並註明點光明燈。