
Welcomes the Year of the Dragon of the Spring Festival and worships Ma-Tsu

In the year 2024, also known as the Jiǎ-chén lunar year, the Ma-Tsu Temple of USA has the following Lunar New Year activities:

Lunar New Year's Eve, February 9 (Friday) 11 PM | Opening the temple doors

First Day of Lunar year, February 10 (Saturday) 12 AM | Welcoming the deities and drawing the public divination of the Ma-Tsu Temple USA

First Day of Lunar year, February 10 (Saturday) 10 AM | New Year blessing ceremony, reciting the "Universal Gate Chapter on Guanyin Bodhisattva ", the "Sutra of the Heavenly Queen Mother", and a grand offering to the Buddha. A vegetarian lunch will be provided at noon

Ninth Day of Lunar year, February 18 (Sunday) 10 AM | Jade Emperor God's Birthday and Lamp Lighting Ceremony of Tai Sui for Praying for Peace, Tranquility, Safety, and Blessings. A vegetarian lunch will be provided at noon

Fifteenth Day of Lunar year, February 24 (Saturday) | Ma-Tsu Pilgrimage and the Greater San Francisco Lunar New Year Parade.  

All devout followers and distinguished guests are cordially invited to join in these auspicious celebrations. Happy Lunar New Year and may all your wishes come true!

2024年歲次甲辰年 美國媽祖廟春節活動如下:

除夕 2月9日(星期五) 晚上11時 |開廟門

初一 2月10日 (星期六) 清晨0時 | 迎神抽媽祖公籤

初一 2月10日 (星期六) 早上10時 | 新春開歲祈福法會,恭誦《普門品》《天上聖母經》及佛前大供,中午提供平安素齋

初九 2月18日 (星期日) 早上10時 |玉皇上帝萬壽暨上燈安奉太歲法會,中午提供平安素齋

十五 2月24日 (星期六) 媽祖遶境暨舊金山農曆新年大遊行

敬邀 各界善信大德一同共襄盛舉,新年快樂、萬事如意。




[法會通啟] 1/28/2024 年末謝神法會